The Beginning of the Journey

Yaraslovsky Terminal, Moscow; Our Story Begins

I never intended to take the slow train to Vladivostok from Moscow.  Unlike the Trans-Canadian Railway or the Orient Express, the Trans-Si...

Post-Op Screen Rules

Post-op Rules


  • You have brushed your teeth at bedtime and wake up and used the water-pic with fluoride at bedtime 
  • You have done your school checklist
  • You did Belly Bio or Headspace at bedtime the night before
  • You have played a board or card game for at least 30 minutes
  • You have checked your room to be sure it is clean (bed, clothes, stuffed animals, display items)
  • You have played with your sister for at least 30 minutes (no overlapping)
  • You have done a craft for at least 30 minutes (e.g. paper planes, origami, modeling clay, coloring, puzzle)
  • You have spent at least 30 minutes outside*
  • You have done your BP homework without complaining
  • You have eaten a proper breakfast and lunch (protein + fruit/veg + carb)
  • You have done all PT homework without complaining

N.B.  Every two hours, we will do something active as a screen break.

*Alexander only

Christopher only

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